
As a Non Profit (501c3) Organization we accept charitable donations. Donations are to help support our efforts in providing a youth sports activity. Our purpose is to provide the youth community in Palm Beach County an opportunity to play water polo under the guise of our national governing body at USA Water Polo. The Palm Beach County Water Polo Foundation provides play opportunities for all ages, abilities and commitment levels throughout the area, from holding local tournaments to producing national team selection candidates.

Donation Levels

PBCWPF provides a platform of comprehensive programming that includes introductory play, club and league activity, premier regional and national tournaments. Through a variety of offerings and initiatives, PBCWPF offers a healthy, dynamic environment for our community to learn, grow and compete.

Thank you for your charitable donation to our Non-Profit Organization. Your gift will allow us to continue to bring water polo to the community of Boca Raton and its surrounding area’s in an effort to promote the growth of our sport. As well as provide our youth an opportunity to experience an Olympic sport in a fun and educational program.